Episode 05: Kee Kee Uncertain Tee Tee
Today my childhood friend, Bianca, comes to make us kee kee as we chat about dealing with uncertainty. Just three buddies (yes, I’m including you) laughing, reflecting, and getting real about what it means to come close to a dream and lose it. If you’re experiencing, or have experienced, uncertainty this episode is for you!
Here are Bianca’s tidbits of wisdom when it comes to uncertainty:
The thing that’s between you and your dream is you doing what you need to do to be prepared for that moment
Your season of waiting may have you siting in a pool of opportunity
Remember there are things you can control and things that you can’t
Make a list of the things you can and can’t control. Cross out the things you can’t and focus your time on the things you can
Want to swipe up and hear more from Bianca? Peep her on Twitter and Instagram:
Here are our recommended resources to support the #ENDSARS and #CongoisBleeding movements:
· https://t.co/sLtgaqiH56 - Diasporas Against SARS GoFundMe
· https://t.co/3T2eHuc8Vr - End SARS Card with hub of info and donation links
· https://life-peace.org/our-work/drc - Life and Peace Institute
· https://apcasbl.org/ - Action for Peace and Concord
· https://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/23/opinion/the-only-way-to-help-congo.html - The Only Way to Help Congo article